Emergency Phone Notifications

Iberville Parish Homeland Security/E-911 utilizes CodeRed Emergency Notification to deliver recorded telephone messages. Since many people no longer have home phones, it has become increasingly difficult to notify the public during emergencies.

Hurricane Preparation

When a hurricane is on the horizon, the time to prepare is now. We have provided a step by step hurricane preparedness manual and safety tips to save lives and property.

Info During an Emergency

Information is available from the Iberville Office of Emergency Preparedness through the Iberville Parish Facebook page.

About I-CAER

I-CAER (Iberville Community Awareness Emergency Response) is an organization of Iberville industry companies and the Iberville Emergency Preparedness Office that works to keep Iberville residents safe by maintaining a comprehensive emergency plan and emphasizing safety in company operations.

I-CAER funded, installed and maintains the parish emergency alert siren system, provides a detailed emergency preparedness guidebook to all parish households, and also sponsors the Safety Town program, which teaches kindergarteners a variety of home and street safety lessons.


911 Phone Call

Call 911 to request the police, fire department, or an ambulance. Listen and follow the instructions of the dispatcher and do not hang up phone.

Be prepared to give the following info:

  • Your address and phone number
  • Patient problem or type of incident
  • Approximate age
  • Conscious: yes/no (or alert)
  • Breathing: yes/no (or difficulty)